Thursday, April 20, 2023

Corso and His Ladies

Corso and His Ladies

Hanging out in Atlanta
with my friend Clifford.

Cliff is the "Great Rememberer"
of our scene
circa 1980-1983.

These new poems
will be the permanent record
of those times
from the memory he shares.

He says
"Hey man, remember
that former boxer
my friend
we'll call him Corso
because of his resemblance
to a famous poet?"

Yes, I do, I say.

"You let him stay
at your place for a while
him and his two girlfriends
the stripper
and the skinny girl..."

Yes, I wonder where they
went off to, Cliff?

"No idea, man
haven't seen either of them
since that time...
That was 36 years ago, Doc."

At least...

I remember Corso well
he was only around
for a couple of weeks
but I will never forget him
or his two ladies
whatever their names are.

-Will Dockery

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