Monday, September 19, 2022



I thought of you
about nine years ago
or more
for a minute or two.

Is it because
after 15 years
(and now what is it, 19?)
the ghosts of the past
still exist.

When I'm sitting here thinking
when I'm all alone.

I was living
in a speed nightmare
drinking wine
so I could go to sleep.
Walking around
by the pine trees.

Looking around
in God's little world.
These things
took some time
like the erosion of a stone.

There was the last day
of German class
and walking.
And what you told me
about your father
and what he had done in the war.

You said you would forgive me
for what I said
but you never did.

You rubbed my chest
with menthol.
That seemed
to really help.
and your tuna fish kiss.

You wore that
fundamentalist dress
it was thick green wool
and sometimes brown.

You looked like
an imitation Aryan gypsy
wearing your
little brown fern style belt
and copper braces.

I still can remember
all of your faces.

-Will Dockery

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